atau tidak senang sesorang terhadap seorang lain karena tindakan b tidak menyenangkan a bahasa Inggris
- atau: and; or; shudder; either; a.k.a.; also known as;
- tidak: de; did not; didn't; do not; does not; doesn't;
- tidak senang: discomfort; displeased; not free; aggrieved;
- senang: at home in; be quite happy to; comfortable;
- terhadap: towards; towards, toward; about; regarding; to;
- seorang: one man; somebody; someone; a; a, an; certain;
- lain: another; any other; berbaring; different; other;
- karena: has by; have by; since; since it is; stand to
- tindakan: action; course of action; deed; operation;
- b: alphabet; bill of lading; salinan wesel; b; b, b
- tidak: de; did not; didn't; do not; does not; doesn't;
- tidak menyenangkan: be rough on; disagreeable; displease;
- menyenangkan: agreeable; appetizing; companionable; congenial;